6 ways to improve metabolism and help me lose 40 pounds

CEditor Posted by 2024-05-28 08:32:56

A person's total metabolic value is mainly composed of basal metabolism, activity metabolism, and food thermal effect. The basal metabolism accounts for 60% to 75% of the total metabolism, and the activity metabolism accounts for about 20% to 25%. Therefore, we need to improve the basic metabolism. Metabolism and activity metabolism, you can burn more calories every day.

Here are 6 ways to improve metabolism, which helped me lose 40 pounds! If you can do it, you can unknowingly speed up fat burning, create a truly slim body, and stay away from obesity!

1. Control the intake of staple food

Each meal is about 100-150g. People with a large body weight can eat a little more, while people with a small body weight should eat less. The choice of staple food can be a combination of coarse and fine grains. For coarse grains, you can choose brown rice, oats, potatoes, beans, lotus root and other foods, which can supplement dietary fiber, make the digestion time longer, and make you full longer.

We can combine it with a large amount of vegetables and an appropriate amount of high-quality protein food. This can provide a balanced diet and nutrition, and the body can operate more efficiently, thereby reducing muscle loss and helping to maintain a strong metabolism.

2. Take the initiative to drink more water

Drinking enough water can help increase the body's basal metabolic value, slow down hunger, and allow you to reduce calorie intake.

Don't wait until you are thirsty to drink water. Drinking more than 2L of water every day can increase your basal metabolic value by about 10% and expel waste products faster.

3. Chew carefully and eat until you are eighty percent full.

Don’t overdiet when losing weight, otherwise the body will fall into a state of famine, the basal metabolic value will decrease, and the body will easily rebound after losing weight. We need to eat three meals regularly, but we should not overeat while eating, but chew the food thoroughly to give the body enough time to send satiety signals and avoid overeating.

During weight loss, stop eating when you are seven to eight times full. This can maintain the body's basal metabolic rate, slowly reduce gastric capacity, improve gastric motility, and gradually reduce calorie intake, allowing you to lose weight unconsciously.

4. 1-2 cups of black coffee every day

Pure black coffee has relatively low calories, with only a few calories per cup. The caffeine in black coffee can increase the body's metabolism and speed up fat burning. You can drink a cup before meals to help control appetite, or drink a cup before exercise. Your body can burn fat faster during exercise.

5. Add strength training to fitness

Strength training can increase muscle mass, strengthen your own basal metabolic value, allow you to consume more calories every day at rest, and build a good-looking body line. It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

It is recommended that you perform a set of strength training every other day, starting with movements such as squats, lunges, goat presses, push-ups, pull-ups, and bench presses, and gradually increase the training intensity so that your muscles can grow faster.

6. Supplement high-quality protein

During weight loss, you must pay attention to protein supplementation. Protein can supplement amino acids to muscles, reduce muscle loss, and contribute to muscle synthesis and growth.

We can choose foods such as chicken breast, shrimp, lean meat, beef, milk, eggs, and dairy products. Each meal is a fistful in size and mainly cooked with low oil and salt, which can control the calorie level while retaining food nutrients.

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