The wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine for weight loss: Unlock five key acupuncture points to easily shed excess fat

CEditor Posted by 2024-05-28 08:32:56

In this world full of "weight loss" and "slimming down", do you feel confused by the countless recipes and exercise plans? Or have you tried many methods but still can't achieve the results you want?

For many years, weight loss seemed to be inseparable from the rule of "shut your mouth and open your legs." However, after contacting traditional Chinese medicine, I realized that obesity is not only due to excessive caloric intake, but also due to blocked internal circulation of the body.

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" is an ancient Chinese medical classic, which contains the wisdom of losing weight. This article will introduce five key acupuncture points that can help Chinese babies lose weight quickly. As long as you insist on it for 2 weeks, you can see the results.

1. Moisture Cave: Remove excess moisture

Location : One inch above the belly button, place your thumb on the belly button, one finger apart. Function : This acupoint can help the body decompose excess moisture and expel the dampness in the body through urine. Reaction : Pressing this area may cause your stomach to growl or cause intestinal peristalsis. After insisting on pressing for 2 weeks, you may find that the frequency of urination increases and bowel movements become more regular.

2. Fengshi Point: Reduce the heaviness of thighs

Position : When standing, on the midline of the outer thighs, hands hanging naturally, at the tip of the middle finger. Function : This acupoint can help clear the meridians on the thigh and speed up the discharge of waste. Reaction : You may feel soreness during percussion. After percussion for a long time, you may feel relaxed and your thighs will no longer be so heavy.

3. Weizhong point: removes moisture from the back and calves

Location : Located in the middle of the popliteal fossa, there will be an obvious beating sensation when pressed. Function : Weizhong is an important outlet of the bladder meridian. The bladder meridian is a place where moisture and cold air in the body easily accumulate. Pressing this acupoint can help eliminate moisture from the back and calves. Reaction : After pressing, you may feel warm current passing through your back or legs. After a period of massage, your calves will no longer be swollen and your back will feel comfortable.

4. Take the Pulse: The magic of weight loss in the waist

Location : Below the ribs at the waist, above the hip bones, the area with hands on hips is the pulse zone. Function : By pinching or tapping the pulse, it can help relieve blockages in the body and promote the elimination of waste in the body. This acupoint also stimulates bile secretion, helping to eliminate fat and improve digestion. Reaction : You may feel warmth in your waist and abdomen, and the surrounding flesh may feel numb. Sometimes it may also cause burping or farting. This is a normal reaction to eliminate turbidity.

5. Zusanli point: the metabolism accelerator of the whole body

Location : 3 inches below the knee, with your fingers together, four finger widths below the outer knee, there will be an obvious feeling of soreness when pressed. Function : Zusanli is a key acupoint, which can help replenish stomach qi, improve the body's ability to transport water and dampness, and promote body metabolism. Reaction : You may feel sore when pressing, which will be relieved after a period of time. It may also cause appetite, indicating that the body's metabolism is accelerating.


China's weight loss secrets are hidden in ancient Chinese medicine classics such as the Huangdi Neijing. These unique acupuncture points not only help the body eliminate moisture and toxins, but also promote blood circulation and improve metabolism. By massaging and stimulating these acupuncture points regularly, you will not only lose weight but also feel balanced in your body and mind. This is the unique weight loss wisdom given to us by traditional Chinese medicine. Stick with it for two weeks and you'll see amazing changes.

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