What are the differences between babies born after having sex during pregnancy and those born without having sex?

CEditor Posted by 2024-03-12 10:50:59

He and his wife have been married for more than a year and they both love children. Two months ago, my wife finally became pregnant, which was great news for the two of them. After getting pregnant, they all wanted to live as a couple, but they were worried that it would be harmful to the fetus.

Indeed, many expectant parents have many questions about their married life during pregnancy, such as: "Can we continue to live as a couple during pregnancy?" "Will it hurt the fetus?" "What positions should be avoided?" Do you need to wear a condom?"... This time, Xiaomiao is here to tell you about the life of a couple during pregnancy.

1. Can I have sex during pregnancy?

It is not recommended to have sex in early pregnancy (first 3 months) and late pregnancy (last 2 months) , otherwise it may be dangerous. Because in the early stages of pregnancy, the implantation of the fetus is not very stable. If the intercourse is too intense or the abdomen of the pregnant woman is pressed, it can easily lead to miscarriage. In the third trimester, the uterus will become very sensitive, and even a slight impact may cause it. It can cause uterine contractions, which can lead to premature labor.

In the second trimester, that is, between 4 and 7 months, you can have sex . Because at this time, the hormone levels in the pregnant woman's body gradually return to normal, symptoms such as morning sickness and nausea gradually disappear, and the desire for sexual desire begins.

At the same time, the fetal implantation is relatively stable, and the fetus begins to be protected by the placenta and amniotic fluid, which also provides the necessary conditions for intercourse. There are usually no major problems with having sex during the second trimester, but there are exceptions.

For example, once semen enters the cervix, prostatic fluid will soften the cervix and may trigger uterine contractions. Therefore, it is recommended that the husband wear a condom when having sex. In addition, you should also seek medical advice before having sex.

It should be noted that the following risk groups are not suitable for sexual intercourse during pregnancy:

Pregnant women with a history of miscarriage or premature birth : Because their bodies are more fragile and sensitive than ordinary people, they are more prone to miscarriage.

Pregnant women experience symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, etc. similar to miscarriage, or suffer from serious comorbidities , such as diabetes, high blood pressure, severe heart disease, etc.

Pregnant women with obvious vaginal or cervical inflammation may transmit germs to their fetus during intercourse.

Husbands with sexually transmitted diseases: During sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted diseases may be transmitted to pregnant women and fetuses, so it is strictly forbidden to have sexual intercourse before the sexually transmitted diseases are cured.

2. What is the difference between children born after having sex during pregnancy and those born without having sex?

Dr. Jing Jinhua from Chongqing Pregnancy Hospital said that having sex during pregnancy has many benefits for the child.

1. Build a good uterine environment

Fetuses prefer “activity” to stability and comfort. Sexual intercourse during pregnancy may cause some "shocks" to the fetus, but this will not harm the fetus, but can also create a more comfortable living environment for the fetus.

2. Promote fetal growth and development

During intercourse, the pregnant woman's uterus will contract. During this contraction process, the blood circulation of the uterus can be accelerated, helping the fetus to obtain more oxygen and nutrients, thus contributing to the growth and development of the fetus.

3. Enhance children’s perception ability

The fetus lives in amniotic fluid. Movements during intercourse will cause a series of fluctuations in the amniotic fluid, which will in turn stimulate the fetus's skin and nerves. This is beneficial to enhancing the fetus's sensory ability and neurological development.

4. Helps the fetus to have a normal delivery

Having sex during pregnancy has the effect of exercise. It can exercise the pelvic floor muscles, increase the relaxation of the lower abdomen, and help open the cervix. These are great benefits for vaginal delivery and can make the birth process smoother.

However, when having sex during pregnancy, you should pay attention to the following four points:

Pay attention to hygiene

Since pregnant women have poor immunity and disease resistance, they are prone to various infections. Therefore, couples must clean themselves before having sex during pregnancy, especially their genitals and hands when taking a bath.

wear a condom

Even after bathing, various bacteria and germs may remain on the male genitals. Therefore, condoms should be worn during intercourse to effectively block germs from entering the cervix of pregnant women and prevent pregnant women and fetuses from being infected .

In addition, semen contains a large amount of prostaglandins, which are hormone-like substances that may trigger uterine contractions and cause abdominal pain in pregnant women, or even miscarriage or premature birth. Wearing a condom can prevent semen from entering the cervix.

Avoid irritating pregnant women’s breasts

When having sex during pregnancy, care should be taken to avoid stimulating the breasts of pregnant women, including sucking, pinching or pinching, and other movements. Because stimulating the breasts causes the pregnant woman's body to release oxytocin, which can cause strong uterine contractions , leading to miscarriage or premature birth.

In addition, you should also pay attention to your posture during intercourse, so as not to compress the pregnant woman's abdomen. It is recommended to use the rear-facing position, side-lying position or woman-on-top position.

Action intensity should be appropriate

If the movement is too hard or too deep, it may cause rupture of fetal membranes and loss of amniotic fluid , which can easily lead to miscarriage or stillbirth. In addition, if you experience any discomfort during intercourse, such as abdominal pain, unexpected bleeding, dizziness, etc., you should stop immediately and seek medical examination immediately if necessary.

It is possible to have sex during pregnancy, which not only enhances the relationship between the couple, but is also beneficial to the fetus. However, sexual intercourse during pregnancy should be avoided in the early and late stages of pregnancy. At the same time, couples should communicate and coordinate more, pay attention to cleanliness, wear condoms, do not be too intense, avoid dangerous actions, and the time should not be too long.

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