The influenza A virus is coming fiercely, with 4 obvious characteristics, and 5 categories of people should focus on protection

CEditor Posted by 2024-03-18 10:29:43

Recently, schools in many places have begun to close classes again, and the cause of class closures is no longer COVID-19, but influenza A.

What is influenza A?

Influenza A is influenza A, a type of influenza. It is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza A virus infecting the human body.

Influenza is divided into types A, B, and C. Among them, type A is the most common and the most likely to mutate.

Therefore, type A includes multiple types, such as type A H1N1, H3N2, H7N9, etc. Common seasonal influenza is mostly seen in influenza A H3N2 and H1N1 types.

Influenza A virus is mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets. It can also be transmitted through direct contact with the patient's oral and nasal secretions, or indirect contact with daily necessities such as virus-contaminated hands, hand towels, clothing, tableware, etc.

Influenza A virus is coming menacingly, and its 4 characteristics are obvious

1. Sudden high fever and aversion to cold

Generally, fever will appear within 3-6 hours of onset, and high fever will occur quickly. The body temperature exceeds 39°C. Fever is often the first symptom of influenza A patients. After fever, patients will gradually develop other symptoms of infection, such as cough and sputum.

Because body temperature rises rapidly, patients often feel chilly. High fever usually lasts for 3-4 days. After treatment, the body temperature gradually returns to normal.

2. Chest pressure

Chest pressure manifests as chest tightness, suffocation, and difficulty breathing. It may be due to the virus invading the respiratory tract and causing respiratory infection, resulting in insufficient gas exchange and symptoms of mild hypoxia.

3. Severe headache and body aches

More than 80% of influenza A patients will have severe headaches after getting sick, which is most obvious in the eyebrow arch and temple area.

Due to the invasion of the influenza A virus, the toxins released cause the production of a large amount of acidic substances. Patients often experience body aches, mainly systemic muscle aches and joint pains.

4. Persistent fatigue and weakness

Most patients with influenza A are in low spirits after the onset of the disease and feel obvious fatigue and weakness. The extreme fatigue leads to dizziness, sleepiness all day long, weakness of limbs, and the inability to carry out normal work and study.

Influenza A virus is coming fiercely. Five groups of people should focus on protection

There are the following five categories of key protection groups. I hope that after reading this, you can forward it to your relatives and friends to take precautions!

(1) Children aged <5 years old (age <2 years old are more likely to develop serious complications);

(2) Elderly people aged ≥65 years old;

(3) Patients with chronic diseases;

(4) Obese people (body mass index greater than 30);

(5) Pregnant women.

If a child or adult develops symptoms, be careful of influenza A and go to the hospital for examination in time! Don't delay, don't take it seriously!

"Influenza A" is coming, prevention and control knowledge is essential

In the face of influenza, "prevention" is better than "cure". Influenza and COVID-19 are both respiratory infectious diseases. Therefore, COVID-19 prevention and control measures such as "wearing masks" and "less gatherings" are also effective in preventing and controlling influenza. Specifically, they should be:

① Wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer and running water. Wash your hands immediately after your hands come into contact with respiratory secretions (such as after sneezing).

② Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue when sneezing or coughing to prevent droplets from contaminating others. Do not spit anywhere. Wrap oral and nasal secretions in paper towels and dispose of them in covered trash cans.

③ Eat a balanced diet, exercise moderately, and get enough rest to avoid excessive fatigue.

④Open windows several times a day for ventilation to keep indoor air fresh.

⑤ Avoid going to crowded places. When you must go to public places or take public transportation, you should wear a mask regularly.

⑥ Try to avoid close contact with people with respiratory disease symptoms (such as fever, cough, etc.). Once respiratory symptoms such as fever or cough occur, you should wear a mask and go to the hospital for treatment in a timely manner. You should try to avoid taking public transportation during the treatment.

Improve your immunity and protect yourself from all poisons!

There was COVID-19 before, and now there is influenza A. We don’t know what viruses we will encounter in the future, but no matter what they are, they are actually testing our own immunity. As long as your immunity is strong enough, you can be immune to all poisons!

The simplest and most effective way to improve immunity is diet + exercise:


Vitamins and trace elements can increase the body's resistance to foreign substances and increase the level of interferons and the number of immune cells in the body. Fresh vegetables and fruits are generally rich in vitamins and trace elements, so you should eat more.

After decades of research in the medical science community, it has been discovered that omega-3 fatty acids in food are a very effective immune modulator. Omega-3 fatty acids can significantly enhance the body's non-specific immune system, which means that "resistance" is increased.

Perilla vegetable oil, autumn sesame oil, etc. are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and their omega-3 content is more than 50%. You can choose to eat them daily according to personal preferences.

If you want to prevent viruses, you can often drink fermented dandelion roots soaked in water. Fermented dandelion root is made by fermenting dandelion root according to the black tea process. It is neither cold nor dry and is suitable for most people's constitution.

Fermented dandelion root has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects. Often soaked in water and drunk, it can reduce inflammation, sterilize, reduce swelling and relieve pain.


Exercises to improve immunity include walking, yoga, swimming, hula hoop, rope skipping, jogging, etc.

Young people can exercise and improve their immunity through running, rope skipping, swimming, etc.; elderly people can stretch their muscles and activate their muscles through walking, boxing, jogging, etc., so that Qi and blood can flow smoothly, strengthen their bodies, and effectively resist the invasion of diseases.

Yoga seems to work statically, and with the accompaniment of music, it helps regulate the body and mind. Many postures and breathing methods have the function of stimulating the thymus gland. By stimulating the secretion of the thymus gland, the body's immunity can be improved.

During swimming, the blood vessels in the skin will shrink sharply due to the stimulation of the skin by warm water. Once blood vessels contract significantly, they will expand accordingly. By shortening blood vessels one by one for exercise, you can regulate the body's immunity and improve resistance.

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Health Common Disease