alert! 10 dangers you must know about staying up late for a long time! ! !

CEditor Posted by 2024-03-13 05:40:03

   "Staying up late" is a commonplace topic. It is a common occurrence for many people in modern times. Staying up late for a long time will damage the health of the whole body. Some people stay up late passively and have to stay up all night in order to live and work.

    But now there are too many entertainment methods in society. Many young people cannot resist various temptations, enter entertainment venues, and are reluctant to sleep . However, no matter how late they stay up, the human body’s endurance is limited. Often staying up late will cause the second Decreased energy will put varying degrees of burden on physical health and lead to serious sub-health problems .


    If the body is in a state of fatigue for a long time, the body's resistance will be greatly reduced, causing headaches , dizziness, nausea, vomiting , etc .; if the brain is in a working state for a long time, headaches, insomnia, neurasthenia, memory loss, heavy head, etc. may occur; Long-term insomnia can also cause endocrine disorders in women, such as menstrual cycle disorders, abnormal menstrual flow, rough and dull skin, freckles , acne, dry eyes, decreased vision , etc. Some people even suffer from chronic diseases themselves. , because staying up late may lead to death.

10 dangers of staying up late for a long time

cranial neurasthenia

    Normally, a person's sympathetic nervous system should rest at night and be excited during the day to support a person's work throughout the day. However, the sympathetic nerves of those who stay up late are particularly excited at night. The so-called relaxation makes it difficult for the sympathetic nerves to be fully excited during the day after staying up late. In other words, staying up late becomes a habit, and even if you want to go to sleep early, it will become more and more difficult, and it will be difficult to enter a deep sleep state. Neurasthenia and sleep disorders are a vicious cycle . Staying up late for a long time can cause neurasthenia, which in turn will make you unable to sleep, which will have a certain impact on work and life. Over time, neurasthenia, insomnia and other problems will also occur.

    This is because the internal inhibitory capacity of cerebral sebum is reduced and the nerves are in a highly excited state, which prevents you from falling asleep. In this way, people will have no energy, dizziness, memory loss, inattention, slow reaction, forgetfulness, dizziness, headaches and other problems during the day.

 This disrupts the body's normal biological clock and also affects the nervous system, leading to neurasthenia over time, and sleep disorders are a major manifestation of neurasthenia .

Decreased metabolism

    Although people have entered a state of sleep , the metabolic organs in the body are still repairing and detoxifying . For example, the liver and kidneys work late at night . If you do not enter a deep sleep state at this time, the detoxification function of the liver and kidneys will be hindered, and toxins and garbage in the body cannot be metabolized normally and remain in the liver and kidneys. Over time, they will cause damage to the liver and kidneys, and even induce diseases.


decrease in immunity

    Staying up late for a long time will lead to immune dysfunction in the body , which will cause nephritis in the kidneys; lupus erythematosus in the skin; rheumatoid arthritis in the joints... If you want to maintain the body's immunity, in addition to Besides diet, the most indispensable thing is sleep. If you go to bed late for a long time, your body will not get adequate rest, and your immune and metabolic capabilities will gradually decline. You will be unable to resist the invasion of viruses , and diseases will easily catch you.

Damaged skin

   Staying up late feels good for a while, but it is a crematorium for the skin! Going to bed late for a long time will disrupt the body's endocrine system, lead to endocrine disorders, and affect the normal metabolism and detoxification of the skin. If you stay up late for a long time, it will disrupt the normal circulation of the human endocrine and nervous systems. Nervous system disorders will cause skin problems such as dryness, poor elasticity, and lack of luster; while endocrine disorders will cause skin problems such as acne, acne, chloasma, and dark spots .

    Therefore, people who go to bed late often have relatively poor skin conditions, and problems such as dark circles, dull skin, and acne will appear one after another. Even if you use a sky-high price mask, it cannot save them. After all, the mask treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

Decline of memory

    Among the various damages caused to the body by staying up late, the most common ones are constant fatigue, lack of energy, and reduced body resistance. For people with weak immunity, respiratory diseases such as colds and digestive tract diseases such as gastrointestinal tract will also come to their doorsteps. This is mainly because when staying up late, people's normal physiological cycle is destroyed , the body's normal 'response' system is destroyed, and the resistance will decrease along with the harm. Experts remind that we should persist in resisting "unjustified staying up late" and establish a regular work and rest time . If you have to stay up late due to work, you should take a break and supplement your nutrition.


decreased vision

    The damage to the eyes caused by staying up late is not just as simple as the appearance of "panda eyes". Overloading your eyes for a long time, and when you are highly concentrated, the number of blinks will also decrease, causing symptoms such as dryness, soreness, and tearing of the eyes . Over time, it may even develop into dry eye syndrome; overexertion caused by staying up late for a long time can also cause May induce central retinitis, leading to sudden loss of vision . Staring at an electronic screen for a long time means that the eyes cannot get enough rest, and the retina constantly captures the flickering light from the screen, causing myopia to become deeper and deeper .

Increased wrinkles

    According to the London Sleep School, losing just two hours of sleep a day within a week can have serious consequences for your appearance. The number of fine lines and wrinkles increased by 45% among women who participated in the survey , and the number of spots increased by 13%. The person's eyes become red and puffy, the skin becomes sagging , and more wrinkles develop .


severe hair loss

    Staying up late may cause endocrine disorders and may also cause alopecia areata . Alopecia areata is a type of autoimmune non-scarring hair loss, commonly known as "ghost shaving". Hair falls out unconsciously and is often discovered accidentally or by others. Alopecia areata is mainly caused by emotional factors. Anxiety and fright may also cause alopecia areata.


sudden deafness

    It was fine at first, but suddenly I couldn't hear. This is sudden deafness . Frequent staying up late, long-term fatigue, and lack of sleep will hinder the blood supply to the inner ear . Once exposed to external stimulation (such as sudden changes in temperature, viral infection, etc.), it can easily lead to sudden deafness.

high blood pressure, sudden death

   Research shows that long-term sleep deprivation is an important causative factor of hypertension. Staying up late can increase blood vessel tension and raise blood pressure, which has an impact on the heart and brain blood vessels and is prone to danger. People who stay up late are much more likely to suffer from various sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which can lead to sudden death in severe cases .

   It can be seen that staying up late is very harmful to health, and more and more people are staying up late now. Therefore, it is important to correct this bad living habit of staying up late as soon as possible. For your own health, you must maintain good sleep habits, and be sure to stay up before 11 p.m. To fall asleep, it would be better if you can go to bed at ten o'clock , because you may not fall asleep immediately after going to bed, and it is better to have a time buffer.

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