These 4 tips are very important to detect carotid artery plaque. How to prevent plaque progression?

admin Posted by 2024-02-22 08:35:58

We often check carotid artery color ultrasound during physical examination. Carotid artery color ultrasound will indicate whether there is carotid artery plaque formation.

Carotid artery plaques will be detected in most people. Studies have shown that among people over 40 years old, the detection rate of plaques is 40%, and among people over 70 years old, the detection rate of carotid artery plaques is 65%. Therefore, most people will have carotid artery plaque during physical examination.

Since 40% of strokes are caused by carotid artery plaque, we must pay attention when we find carotid artery plaque.

When carotid artery plaque is found, 4 tips are very important. How to prevent carotid artery plaque?

1. Plaque morphology

In the carotid artery ultrasound report, there will be a description of the plaque morphology.

For example, descriptions of regular plaques with smooth surfaces generally indicate that the nature of the plaques is relatively stable, while descriptions of irregular plaques with uneven surfaces are mostly unstable plaques.

2. Echo of plaque

In the carotid artery ultrasound report, there will be a description of plaque echo. Generally, plaques with homogeneous echoes and strong echoes are described as relatively stable plaques, while plaques with low echoes and heterogeneous plaques are mostly described as unstable plaques. Stable plaque.

3. Carotid artery intima thickness

Carotid artery intima thickness is described on the ultrasound report form,

The normal value of carotid artery intima thickness is generally less than 1 mm. An intimal thickness of 1.0 to 1.2 mm is considered intimal thickening, and a thickness of 1.2 to 1.4 mm is generally considered to be plaque formation.

Therefore, the thickness of plaques is generally between 1 and 1.5 mm, which is relatively stable plaque. The intima thickness of the carotid artery is greater than or equal to 1.5 mm, and most of them are unstable plaques.

4. Degree of plaque stenosis

Generally, plaques with stenosis greater than or equal to 50% are considered high-risk plaques.

For most carotid artery stenosis degrees, if it is greater than 70% and asymptomatic, most can be treated with medication.

If the degree of stenosis is greater than 70% and there is a risk of detachment, surgery is required.

During our carotid artery color ultrasound examination, carotid artery plaques are found. To evaluate the risk of the plaques, in addition to analyzing the nature and degree of stenosis of the plaques, we must also conduct a comprehensive analysis based on the patient's symptoms. Scientific and effective intervention, and at the same time, carotid artery color Doppler ultrasound should be checked regularly every year according to the situation.

How to prevent plaque progression?

In clinical practice, we can reduce blood lipids, make the lipid core in the plaque smaller, make the thickness of the fibrous cap harder, and turn unstable plaques into stable plaques, thus reducing the risk of thrombosis. .

It can be done mainly from the following four aspects:

1. Improve bad diet

Eat a light, low-salt, low-fat diet, and reduce the intake of high-fat, high-calorie foods.

Increasing the intake of grains, vegetables, and fruits will not only supplement the nutrients needed by the body for people with high blood lipids, but also help regulate blood lipids.

2. Get rid of bad lifestyle

In particular, we must quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption, and do not stay up late. In addition, we must strengthen aerobic exercise and maintain aerobic exercise for more than 30 minutes every day.

You can also keep your mouth and feet moving together when exercising indoors.

For example, open and close your mouth, that is, close your mouth and inhale through your nose, then open your mouth and slowly exhale. Doing this 30 times in a row can effectively stimulate the blood in the brain.

At the same time, you can move your ankles more, which can enhance blood circulation from head to toe and reduce the occurrence of arteriosclerosis.

3. Control the three highs

Hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia are high risk factors for carotid plaque formation.

Therefore, people with three high blood pressure levels should take medication regularly under the guidance of a doctor to control their blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipid levels.

4. Combined with drug treatment

Some people at high risk of cardiovascular disease even need to take lipid-lowering drugs to control LDL cholesterol levels so that they can reach the target.
