Popular Science | Why is staying up late addictive?

CEditor Posted by 2024-03-13 01:32:44

At 1 o'clock in the morning, although the battle (trolling) is over, the blood has not subsided.I will go to bed after...

This is a true portrayal of most people every night. They don’t get enough sleep during the day, can’t sleep at night, and are addicted to staying up late and can’t help themselves!

Even though I keep reminding myself that it's time to go to bed, I often fall asleep after 2-3 o'clock.

Everyone knows that staying up late is harmful to the body, but staying up late really can’t be stopped!


Why are we addicted to staying up late?

Many people think that the invention of the electric light changed the daily routine of "working at sunrise and resting at sunset".


Some people also say that it is the rich nightlife, which makes people indulge in drunkenness and feasting.

Some people even say it’s smartphones. Everyone likes playing games and browsing Douyin, and they play on their phones until late at night and don’t want to sleep.


All the reasons are valid, but these are just the superficial reasons why we, as a group of people, stay up late.

The psychology that drives us to stay up late is the fundamental reason for staying up late.


There are 24 hours a day, most of which are spent in the company.

The squeezed, so-called free time for self-control is pitiful. If I don’t stay up until after 2 o’clock, how can I prove that I really existed?

Staying up late to comfort our souls that have nowhere to rest may be the last stubbornness deep in our hearts.


However, even though I feel good for 2-3 hours every night, the pain continues the next day, over and over again, just like a hamster running through a cage. The faster it runs, the harder it is to stop.


Humans have not yet evolved the ability to stay up late

According to the history of technological development, taking the earliest electric light as an example, the popularization of electric lights allowed mankind to completely defeat the night. The symbol of the popularization of electric lights was the invention of the tungsten electric lamp in 1906.


It is only 115 years ago, and human beings have lived in the dark night "working at sunrise and resting at sunset" for 3 million years.

How could it be possible in just a few hundred years to break the million-year-old habit of going to bed early and evolve a body that stays up late?

Staying up late is harmful to the body but not beneficial.

Even the short-term pleasure brought by staying up late with revenge becomes insignificant compared with the "real harm" caused by staying up late.

What harm does staying up late do to the body?

stay up

Injury to liver

The knowledge that staying up late can damage the liver has become common sense for people nowadays.

So in what way does staying up late hurt the liver?

The liver is one of the most important organs in the digestive system. Although it works 24 hours a day, the work of liver cells becomes more relaxed and happy after sleep.

Just like you who have finished all the work, tidy up the desktop and prepare for tomorrow's work (sit and wait to get off work) .


If you stop eating after sleeping, the liver cells with reduced work will start to repair other damaged liver cells and enter the healing mode.

And for those of you who stay up late, especially in the second half of the night, you will always come across eating and drinking videos inexplicably, or late-night poisoning in your circle of friends...

I can bear it...I can still bear it...I can't bear it anymore...

Finally picked up the phone and opened the takeaway.


Unfortunately, even if you block the temptation of delicious food, you still can't stop the damage to your liver caused by staying up late.

Because the harm of staying up late goes far beyond that.

According to a 2015 publication in the magazine "Obesity Facts" (impact factor 2.2), those who sleep less than 6 hours a day have a 44% higher risk of developing non-alcoholic liver disease than those who sleep 6-7 hours a day.

Do you think that staying up late is a sniper who will shoot your liver with a 98k shot from 800 meters away?

But in fact, staying up late is the Italian cannon of the second battalion commander, and Gan is just Xiu Qin tied to the city gate tower.

stay up

become stupid

When the brain consumes energy during the day, it will produce a large amount of metabolites. For example, the deposition of beta amyloid (toxic protein) in the brain can cause memory loss and lead to Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's disease) .


The best way to clean up metabolic waste from the brain is to sleep.

Only when the brain is sleeping, neurons shrink, increasing the gap between brain tissues by 60%, increasing the flow space of cerebral spinal fluid and interstitial fluid, and starting the general cleaning mode.


After blood (red) leaves the brain, cerebrospinal fluid (blue) flows into the ventricles.

If you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t be able to clean up the garbage thoroughly. The most obvious symptoms are memory loss and learning ability—becoming stupid.

It turns out that I am not really stupid, but staying up late quietly stole my wisdom. 

stay up


Young people have their own attitudes towards life, but their pursuit of beauty has never changed.

This can be seen from the various expensive repair lotions, lady eye creams, late-night essences... Thermage costing thousands or tens of thousands at a time.

"Staying up the deepest night and applying the most expensive facial mask" is the truest portrayal of modern people.


However, staying up late and not changing it will destroy all your efforts, and even the most expensive facial mask cannot save it.

A sleep experiment was conducted in London, England, where the faces of people who only slept for 6 hours for 5 consecutive days were compared with those who slept for 8 hours on time.


The result of the experiment is that compared with the faces of those who have not slept enough and those who have had enough sleep, they look almost ten years different.

As we said above, staying up late can damage your liver.

The liver is the largest detoxification organ in the human body. Once the liver is damaged, it cannot detoxify well. The toxins deposited by staying up late will be reflected on the face and cause breakouts.


The liver and eyes are connected. Dark circles and crow's feet will appear uninvited if you stay up late for a long time.

In addition, staying up late for a long time can also lead to abnormal function of endocrine glands, leading to endocrine disorders, hair loss, and alopecia areata.

As the saying goes, "A man cannot be rich without external wealth, and a horse cannot be fat without night grass." If you often eat late night snacks late at night, how can you escape from getting fat!

Acne, dark circles, crow's feet, hair loss, obesity, anything can defeat your pursuit of beauty.

stay up

prone to sudden death

In fact, the most terrifying thing is not becoming stupid or ugly.

Because as long as we are alive, we believe that one day we can change, but staying up late blocks the last possible way out.


Staying up late for a long time without getting enough sleep will affect the body's metabolism, immune function, and biological clock disorders. Compared with people who get enough sleep, they are more likely to suffer from chronic cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.

Staying up late will cause abnormal excitement of the sympathetic nerve, and at the same time stimulate the secretion of a large amount of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the body, causing blood pressure to rise in a short period of time, abnormal heartbeat, and symptoms of palpitation, chest tightness, and dizziness.

I can even occasionally feel that my little heart is beating... beating... just missing a beat!


This is a sign of sudden death.

According to the analysis of many cases of sudden death, the early stage of sudden death is often accompanied by sustained high-intensity staying up late.

When staying up late, sudden death is like a cat breaking into a room full of dominoes. Once it accidentally touches a domino, it will completely collapse.


How to save yourself from staying up late

Wear socks

fall asleep easier

Wearing socks when sleeping can help you fall asleep faster. The editor has tried this, especially in winter.

Although the editor is an old man, I have had cold hands and feet since I was a child. I soak my feet before going to bed at night, then put on my socks, and soon I fall asleep.

Wearing socks makes it easier to fall asleep because the average human body temperature is about 37°C, and the body's core body temperature will drop at night, which is a signal for sleep.

Wearing socks on the feet can warm the feet, dilate blood vessels, and increase blood flow in the feet. At this time, the body will release heat through the skin, lowering the core body temperature in the body, secretly telling the subconscious that "it's time to sleep" and helping the brain enter sleep state.


There are many important acupuncture points on human feet, such as Yongquan point, which is the first point of the kidney meridian.

Wearing socks can stimulate the Yongquan point on the soles of the feet all night long and relieve insomnia, dreaminess, neurasthenia and other conditions.

Wearing collateral socks to sleep at night can make the meridians of the feet unobstructed, qi and blood flow normally, and it is easier to enter deep sleep, so that you can sleep with better quality.


With eye patch

fall asleep easier

Friends who have worn our eye patches before going to bed at night must know this little trick.

The eyes and liver are connected. Using eye patches to stimulate the acupuncture points around the eyes to relieve eye fatigue during the day is to soothe the liver meridian.

Human emotions are easily affected by the outside world, and there is a lot of mental garbage in our hearts that needs to be cleaned up in time. How can you improve your sleep quality if you are often anxious and depressed?


The liver can release our bad emotions, play a role in smooth flow and not being suppressed, and the quality of sleep will naturally improve.

If you guys haven’t gone to sleep at 23:00 and stay up very late,

It is not conducive to the liver's diuretic and excretory function. If things go on like this, it will lead to stagnation of liver qi, easy anger, tired eyes, mental fatigue, and difficulty falling asleep.

If the liver has been damaged, you must pay attention to sorting out the liver meridian. Friends, you can click on the picture below to check the liver-nourishing acupoints, and apply the unblocking patch to continuously dredge the meridians for 24 hours to keep the qi and blood of the liver meridian flowing smoothly.

Another important reason is that in ancient times, wealthy dignitaries would light a soothing incense when going to bed at night and use aromatherapy to assist sleep.


Our eye patch itself is made of pure Chinese medicine, with a light Chinese herbal fragrance, which plays the role of Chinese herbal aromatherapy to assist sleep.

In addition, our eye patch is very cool after being put on, which is very comfortable, so you will fall asleep unconsciously after putting it on.

Needed after staying up late

Regulate the intestines

As mentioned earlier, staying up late and eating late night snacks are the best companions.

When people stay up late, their leptin levels are low and ghrelin levels are high, so you will eat more food.


The digestive system is supposed to be on standby at night, but if you force it to work overtime and the digestion is not timely, your hunger will never be able to keep up with your eating speed, and you will eat more involuntarily.

By the time you are not hungry, you have already eaten enough.

The biological clock of the body's digestive system is broken. Eating at this time also affects the microbial flora in your intestines, greatly increasing the intake and storage of fatty acids and fats.

Staying up late + having a late night snack will make you eat 2 bowls of rice for 1 bowl of rice, and you will end up with 4 bowls of rice.

Therefore, people who stay up late must not eat late-night snacks. Even if they can't stop staying up for a while, they must replenish probiotics and dietary fiber in time to regulate the intestinal flora and avoid gastrointestinal problems caused by intestinal flora disorder. problems and immunity issues.


Needed after staying up late

Enhance immunity

The intestinal flora is like a tropical rainforest. There is a very complex microbial ecosystem inside the intestinal tract that plays many functions.

The intestine is a digestive organ, and it is also an immune organ. More than 70% of the immune cells in our body are present in our intestines.

Intestinal flora can adhere to the mucosal layer on the surface of the intestinal wall, forming a barrier composed of flora to prevent pathogenic bacteria from invading the human body.


Intestinal flora can also stimulate the development of intramucosal lymphoid tissue, increase the levels of immunoglobulins in plasma and intestinal mucosa, and promote a moderately active state of the immune system.

The balance of intestinal flora is closely related to the immune system, and the most powerful weapon to maintain the balance of intestinal flora is probiotics .

Therefore, supplementing probiotics and dietary fiber can not only solve intestinal problems, but also enhance immunity .


Intestinal flora can stimulate the secretion of immunoglobulins, but the process of producing immunity requires the intervention of a very important substance, which is protein.

About 60% of human body weight is water, and protein accounts for half of the remaining 40%, accounting for about 20% of human body weight.

Protein is the most basic component of the human body, and the important raw material for producing immune antibodies is protein.

After staying up late, if you want to quickly and easily strengthen your immunity to achieve self-help purposes, you only need to change your daily dinner to probiotics + nutrition bars + protein powder.


It is rich in nutrients and has a strong sense of satiety. It can also control your weight, maintain a good complexion, and complete the counterattack in life.

Under the pressure of life, instead of complaining and staying up late to fight against your body with a vengeance,

It is better to take the first step towards health as early as possible, starting with your own diet and rest.

Franklin said: "I have never seen a man who got up early and worked hard complaining about his bad luck."

Stop staying up late and get up early.

Give it a thumbs up seriously and try not to stay up late today!

Add something to watch, go to bed early and get up early to have a beautiful day!

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