Early symptoms of gastric cancer Healthy eating habits for gastric cancer patients

CEditor Posted by 2024-03-13 10:21:14

Early symptoms of gastric cancer Healthy eating habits for gastric cancer patients  

Gastric cancer is a very serious malignant tumor with a high incidence rate today. Once the disease is diagnosed, the possibility of cure is very low. The main reason for this phenomenon is that the early symptoms of gastric cancer are not obvious and the disease is not discovered in time. So what are the most obvious early symptoms of gastric cancer?

Early symptoms of gastric cancer Healthy eating habits for gastric cancer patients

1. Upper abdominal fullness and discomfort. This symptom accompanies gastric cancer patients throughout their illness. Among early gastric cancer patients, nearly 70% of patients will have symptoms of upper abdominal fullness and discomfort without obvious triggers. This is also a type of early gastric cancer. common symptoms. It mostly appears when you are quiet and disappears when you are active or distracted. The effect of dietary regulation is not good.

2. Acid reflux and stomach burning sensation mean that patients with early gastric cancer often feel stomach discomfort and dull soreness in their daily lives, which can be relieved by taking medicine. Some patients may experience abdominal distension, belching, etc. after eating. These conditions may be misdiagnosed as gastritis when seeking medical attention.

Early symptoms of gastric cancer Healthy eating habits for gastric cancer patients

3. There are symptoms of weight loss and fatigue. This increase is mainly caused by the loss of appetite that occurs in a short period of time. Loss of appetite is an early symptom of gastric cancer, and it is not accompanied by stomach pain. Because there is no stomach pain, it is not taken seriously by patients. Another point is that the symptoms of early gastric cancer are less regular than those of gastritis.

4. Pay attention to gastrointestinal bleeding. If patients with gastric cancer have been ill for a longer time, they will have symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding in their lives. Common symptoms include vomiting blood, melena and positive fecal occult blood. If fecal occult blood continues to be positive, these are some of the more obvious early symptoms of gastric cancer.

Early symptoms of gastric cancer Healthy eating habits for gastric cancer patients

The early symptoms of gastric cancer introduced above are not specific in the early stages of the disease, but they are all early symptoms of gastric cancer. Therefore, if you have the above symptoms in your life, you must seek medical examination in time to detect the disease in time. treat. In addition, what should patients with gastric cancer pay attention to in their daily diet?

What eating habits do patients with gastric cancer need to develop? Gastric cancer seriously destroys the lives of patients. If patients want to live longer, they must pay attention to the eating habits of gastric cancer during treatment. So what eating habits do gastric cancer patients need to develop?

Early symptoms of gastric cancer Healthy eating habits for gastric cancer patients

1. Patients should use hygienic and safe foods. Patients with gastric cancer must use safe and hygienic foods in their daily diet, such as eating more beans, milk, sesame seeds, kelp, eggplant, lotus root starch and other foods. There should be strict taboos on grilled, fried, and salted foods, and spicy and irritating foods should be avoided as much as possible.

2. It is necessary for patients with gastric cancer to develop the habit of not smoking and limiting alcohol during their illness. Patients should develop good eating habits in their lives, eat on time, and avoid overeating.

Early symptoms of gastric cancer Healthy eating habits for gastric cancer patients

In your diet, eat as little salty food as possible and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Dairy products and garlic are also good choices.

3. Patients with gastric cancer can eat more eggs, milk, fresh fish and soy products in their diet because these foods have a certain protective effect on the patient's gastric mucosa. Among them, soy products can also play a certain anti-cancer effect. Try to avoid fried, fried, smoked, and raw foods as they are not conducive to digestion.

Early symptoms of gastric cancer Healthy eating habits for gastric cancer patients

In short, gastric cancer patients must develop good gastric cancer eating habits during their illness. The above introduction is for your reference only. For specific details, patients should consult a doctor according to their own condition, so as to better exert the effect of gastric cancer diet and promote Recovery from illness.

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