The most complete 170 health tips in history, so useful! (recommended collection)

CEditor Posted by 2024-03-12 08:25:37

Everyone often says: The body is the capital of revolution. Whatever you do, as long as you are healthy, you will have unlimited possibilities in the future.

Elder Care Butler has compiled 170 tips on health and wellness based on authoritative information. Collect them quickly and share them with your friends!


1. Washing your feet with cold water is harmful to your health;

2. Eating more bitter flavors in summer is good for your health;

3. Drinking more water can prevent kidney stones;

4. It is not advisable to sleep topless in summer;

5. To maintain health in winter, you should eat more hot porridge;

6. You should not take too many baths in winter;

7. It is not advisable to stay in a warm room for a long time in winter;

8. It is not advisable to stay in winter fog for a long time;

9. It is not advisable to use scarves as masks in winter;

10. It is not advisable to wash your hair in the morning in winter;


11. Warm-up activities before fitness are very important;

12. Sports injuries should be treated 'cold';

13. Moderate walking can make the brain younger;

14. Walking is most beneficial to the health of middle-aged and elderly people;

15. Deep breathing is bad for the health of the elderly;

16. The elderly should eat first before doing morning exercises;

17. You should drink a glass of milk after exercise;

18. Adequate sleep is good for health;

19. Poor mood can lead to stomach problems;

20. Mobile phone film can damage your eyes;


21. Employees should not have lunch in the office and should take a walk at noon;

22. Napping helps prevent coronary heart disease;

23. It is not advisable to boil Chinese medicine in boiling water;

24. It is not advisable to add sugar when taking traditional Chinese medicine;

25. Do not use 95% alcohol for disinfection;

26. A healthy house can only be considered healthy if it has more than three hours of sunshine every day;

27. Damaged ceramic tiles emit greater radiation;

28. Leaving cracks in bedroom windows helps you sleep;

29. It is not advisable to open windows for ventilation in the early morning;

30. Hot water bottles are healthier than electric blankets;


31. It is not advisable to use plastic bags to store fruits and vegetables;

32. It is best to replace chopsticks once every six months;

33. If your gums bleed, replace your toothbrush as soon as possible;

34. Brushing your teeth correctly is more important than choosing toothpaste;

35. It is not advisable to fold the quilt immediately after getting up;

36. Do not pat the quilt while drying it;

37. It is not advisable to drink honey on an empty stomach;

38. Drinking honey can relieve hangover;

39. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes drinking salt water in the morning and honey in the evening;

40. Vegetarian food is more suitable for Chinese people;


41. Kelp can prevent high blood pressure;

42. Washing your face with cold water has many benefits;

43. It is advisable to use warm water when brushing your teeth;

44. It is advisable to use hot water to wash your feet;

45. Cold feet are easy to catch a cold;

46. ​​Chewing dry food can prevent brain aging;

47. Sunbathing in the morning is good for health in winter;

48. Crossing your legs will affect your health;

49. Wearing a hat should not be too tight;

50. Combing your hair often is good for your health;


51. Smiling for a long time is bad for your health;

52. Holding back tears is tantamount to chronic suicide;

53. Clenching your teeth when urinating is good for your health;

54. Do not cover your mouth when sneezing;

55. A glass of water in the morning is very important;

56. Do not drink boiled water for more than three days;

57. A cup of coffee every day has many benefits;

58. Coffee should be drunk while it is hot;

59. Drinking coffee after drinking alcohol can easily cause high blood pressure;

60. Drinking afternoon tea is good for enhancing memory;


61. Green tea is beneficial in preventing and treating hepatitis and liver cancer;

62. Pangdahai tea is not suitable for long-term drinking;

63. It is not advisable to drink Kuding tea when you have a cold;

64. Don’t drink tea from a thermos cup;

65. It is best to drink yogurt two hours after dinner;

66. It is not advisable to drink yogurt on an empty stomach;

67. After drinking milk, drink boiled water;

68. Drinking soy milk often is healthier;

69. Soy milk should not be drunk with brown sugar and eggs;

70. Liquor should not be used as a substitute for cooking wine in cooking;


71. It is not advisable to drink beer while eating seafood;

72. Drinking green tea can keep blood vessels young;

73. Fish bones stuck in the throat should not be treated with vinegar;

74. People with high cholesterol should eat less squid;

75. Onions can cure high blood pressure;

76. Eating too much meat is harmful to the body;

77. It is not advisable to drink bone soup in the early stages of fracture;

78. When stewing nutritious soup, do not add salt first;

79. Eggs should not be eaten when you have a fever;

80. It is not advisable to eat too much tea eggs;


81. Steamed buns are more zinc-rich than rice;

82. Do not use alkali when cooking porridge or cooking;

83. Zongzi is nutritionally comprehensive;

84. Food should not be eaten “while it is hot”;

85. Eating more black food can nourish the kidneys;

86. Eating more corn has many benefits;

87. It is not advisable to eat sugar-fried millet with its opening open;

88. Eating more walnuts is good for your heart;

89. Peanuts have anti-aging effects;

90. Eating peanuts regularly can prevent gallstones;


91. Eating raw peanuts regularly can cure stomach problems;

92. Peanuts soaked in vinegar can soften blood vessels;

93. Watermelon should not be stored in the refrigerator for a long time;

94. Eating grapes is good for protecting the liver;

95. Eating strawberries helps prevent radiation;

96. Sugarcane is called the “blood-tonifying fruit”;

97. Apples are nutritionally comprehensive;

98. Apples can lower blood pressure, lower fat content, protect the prostate, and prevent lung cancer;

99. Red dates can enhance the body’s immunity;

100. People with poor spleen and stomach may easily develop stomach stones if they eat too much hawthorn;


101. People who are sick should not eat star fruits;

102. Bananas are cheap weight loss pills;

103. Pineapple can protect the stomach;

104. Mango has great health care effects;

105. Even the non-rotten parts of rotten fruits are poisonous;

106. Fruits are not as nutritious as vegetables;

107. Papaya can increase gastrointestinal motility;

108. Aloe vera can relieve sub-health;

109. Carrots can lower blood pressure;

110. Drinking carrots will cause poisoning;


111. Carrots and cabbage should not be eaten together;

112. Ginseng and radish cannot be eaten together;

113. Broccoli has high nutritional value;

114. Toon is full of medicine and treasure;

115. Toon needs to be scalded with boiling water;

116. Eating more tomatoes can prevent sunburn;

117. It is best to use warm water to soak dried shiitake mushrooms;

118. When eating, you should eat vegetables first and then protein-containing foods;

119. Eating Chinese cabbage regularly has many benefits;

120. Leeks can nourish the kidneys and boost yang;


121. Eggplant is good for lowering cholesterol;

122. Onions can protect blood vessels;

123. Thickening vegetables can help protect the stomach;

124. Cucumbers and tomatoes cannot be eaten together;

125. Bean sprouts must be fried and eaten;

126. It is not advisable to eat tomatoes before meals;

127. Yams are a good nourishing food in winter;

128. Eating too much tofu is harmful to the body;

129. Fried stinky tofu is bad for health;

130. Sweet potato leaves are treasure;


131. Sweet potatoes with black spots cannot be eaten;

132. Eat less pepper in your daily diet;

133. Eating too much MSG affects vision;

134. Eating more salt will increase blood pressure;

135. Arsenic can be removed by soaking dried kelp for a long time;

136. The greener the kelp, the better;

137. Black fungus has the best iron supplement effect;

138. Garlic should be eaten raw;

139. Sesame oil is more suitable for middle-aged and elderly people;

140. Bean curd has the highest nutritional value among soy products;


141. The best time to eat fruit: one hour before meals

142. Angelica sinensis can enhance gastrointestinal absorption;

143. Gastrodia stewed chicken is not advisable;

144. Men should not sleep on their stomach;

145. Comb your hair three hundred times a day to clear your meridians without worrying! 

146. Children are anorexic and often jealous;

147. It is good for children to eat bread often;

148. Using chopsticks can promote the neurological development of young children;

149. Compensatory dinners are not suitable for students;

150. Children should not use cod liver oil;


151. Fruity vitamin C should not be eaten by children as candy;

152. Eating oats for breakfast helps memory;

153. Don’t raise your head when your nose bleeds;

154. Children who sleep with lights on increase the risk of cancer;

155. Playing table tennis can prevent myopia in children;

156. Children should not eat too many hawthorn slices;

157. Children tend to lose temper when they eat too much sugar;

158. Children who like to eat sweets are likely to become weak;

159. Young children should not take cough syrup frequently;

160. Games are very important to children’s psychological development;


161. The baby needs to be exercised more during the day;

162. Children should drink more water when taking medicine;

163. Do not use milk when giving medicine to children;

164. Colored T-shirts can better protect against sunlight;

165. It is not advisable to put on makeup immediately after bathing;

166. Do not wash with hot water after sun exposure;

167. Bitter melon soup is effective in removing acne;

168. Too tight a waistband can cause hemorrhoids;

169. Smoking can also hurt your stomach;

170. Cigarettes without nicotine are still harmful;

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