If diabetic patients want to snack, these 6 kinds of "snacks" can be eaten with confidence. It is recommended to keep some at home.

CEditor Posted by 2024-03-12 09:41:55

Nowadays, there are more and more diabetic patients, and there are even several generations of diabetic patients in some families. As we all know, it is very difficult to recover from diabetes. Generally, you have to take lifelong medications to control blood sugar levels.

Of course, this does not mean that you have to "break the pot" if you have diabetes. In fact, as long as you actively cooperate with the doctor and pay more attention to your daily life and diet, you can intervene in blood sugar well, get along well with blood sugar, and achieve longevity. .

Diabetic patients should pay special attention to their diet. It is best to eat three meals a day on time and in the right amount, and avoid eating foods with a high glycemic index. However, in life, many people with diabetes have the habit of excessively controlling their diet, and some people suffer from hypoglycemia, which has a great negative impact on the body.

In fact, people with diabetes usually need to eat small meals frequently, but they can also add appropriate meals. This can not only avoid blood sugar spikes after meals, but also prevent hypoglycemia before meals.

If people with diabetes want to eat extra meals, these 6 kinds of "snacks" can be eaten with confidence. It is recommended to keep some at home!

First: eggs

Eggs are a food with high nutritional value in life. People can eat one egg every day. If there is no main meal arranged, you can boil a hard-boiled egg to eat as a snack. The protein content in eggs is high, and the digestion and absorption rate is also very high. The boiling method can retain the nutrients contained in eggs to the maximum extent, which is beneficial to health.

Second: beef jerky

The production process of beef jerky is simple, tastes good and is easy to carry. Moreover, because beef jerky is dehydrated, it contains relatively high nutritional value. The protein content in every 100g of beef jerky reaches 45g, as well as minerals such as zinc, iron, and niacin. However, beef jerky has a relatively low carbohydrate content and a certain amount of fat. Therefore, beef jerky is also an ideal snack for diabetics.

Third: Dried tofu

Soybeans are rich in nutrients, and dried tofu is a good soy snack. Dried tofu has low fat content, high protein content, rich calcium and a large amount of plant fiber. It is a suitable snack choice for sugar lovers.

Dried tofu tastes better and has high nutritional value, but it is not suitable for people with diabetes to eat too much at one time, because eating too much will lead to an increase in protein and calories, which is beneficial to controlling blood sugar. It is recommended that diabetics should not eat more than one or two dried tofu at a time.

Of course, it is more appropriate to choose this kind of individually packaged dried tofu. It is easy to carry, has a strong feeling of satiety, and is low in fat and high in protein. You can prepare a few more packages at home.

Fourth: Tartary buckwheat crispy whole grain biscuits

This tartary buckwheat crispy biscuit is made from high-quality tartary buckwheat flour through meticulous craftsmanship. Tartary buckwheat flour is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. When you taste this biscuit, the crispy texture is intertwined with the unique tartary buckwheat aroma. Once you taste it, you will never forget it.

It can be enjoyed as a delicious treat on its own or paired with milk, coffee and other drinks to add a refreshing taste to daily meals.

What’s more worth mentioning is that this biscuit has a significant effect on weight control. High-fiber tartary buckwheat powder enhances satiety and suppresses appetite, providing an ideal choice for people pursuing a healthy lifestyle. For diabetics, this biscuit is even better news.

Fifth: tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in nutrients, but their calories are relatively low. 100 grams of tomatoes only have 16 kcal. They are a low-calorie, low-glycemic index food. Eating one large tomato every day has a relatively small impact on blood sugar. It is an excellent snack for diabetics.

The calories of cherry tomatoes are slightly higher than those of ordinary tomatoes. The calories of 100 grams of cherry tomatoes are 25 kcal. Therefore, diabetics should not eat more than 10 cherry tomatoes.

In addition to tomatoes, there are also some low-sugar fruits that diabetics can eat in moderation. Fruits with a sugar content of less than 10 grams include oranges, kiwis, green plums, lemons, etc. Fruits with a sugar content of 10 to 20 grams, such as apples, oranges, and bananas, can also be eaten selectively.

Sixth: Sugar-free yogurt

The protein and calcium content in milk is relatively high, and sugar-free yogurt is made through fermentation, which not only retains the nutrients in milk well, but also absorbs better and does not cause lactose intolerance. For diabetic patients, 100 grams of sugar-free yogurt has 70 kcal and a glycemic index of 48. It is more suitable for diabetic patients to eat as a snack with a meal.

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