Can I use my mobile phone while pregnant? Stop playing when your body sends "warning signals"

CEditor Posted by 2024-03-18 03:59:16

Mobile phones, pads, computers and other electronic products have "taken root" in our daily lives. Without them, our lives seem to become boring, and some people even don't know what to do. Some of these people are pregnant women.

Can I use my mobile phone while pregnant?

A relative of Pistachio's mother had a deformity in her first child, and her family said it was caused by the pregnant mother playing with her mobile phone. Later, when she became pregnant with her second child, her family cut off the Internet and took away the pregnant mother’s mobile phone. She was pregnant in ten months, and for the first three months of confinement, she never touched her mobile phone. What she did most was read books. "I feel like I'm on the verge of depression," she said.

In the eyes of many people, especially the elderly, it is unacceptable for pregnant women to play with mobile phones and computers. Because computers, mobile phones, etc. will emit radiation, electromagnetic waves, etc., which will affect the health of the fetus. Therefore, even if you work during pregnancy, your family will require pregnant women to wear radiation-proof clothes.

However, there is no scientific evidence that pregnant women will cause fetal development problems because of playing with mobile phones. Because the radiation from mobile phones, pads, etc. is really small and can even be ignored, it will naturally have no impact on the fetus.

What really has an impact is the frequency, time, method, etc. of pregnant mothers using their mobile phones. If you play with your mobile phone inappropriately, your body will also send "warning signals" to the pregnant mother. At this time, the pregnant mother should put down her mobile phone immediately.

Stop playing with your phone when your body sends out “warning signals”

1. Neck and shoulder pain

When playing on your phone, it’s easy to get immersed in it. At this time, people generally keep their heads bowed. This posture will keep the human body's neck and shoulders in a relatively tense and compressed state, resulting in soreness. Therefore, many people play with their mobile phones for a long time, and the first action after looking up is to rub the back of their neck.

For pregnant women, the body is already in a relatively tight state. After a pregnant mother plays with her mobile phone for a long time, a sore warning signal will be released in her shoulders and neck. At this time, she needs to stop and rest for a while.

2. Dry eyes and watery eyes

During the first trimester of pregnancy, Pistachio’s mother rested at home for a period of time. This period of time is very boring, just playing with mobile phones, watching TV series, etc. Once, Pistachio's mother only felt that her eyes were very sore, but she didn't pay much attention, and then she felt tears flowing down.In fact, this is also a warning signal given by our eyes. Sore eyes and watery eyes indicate overuse of the eyes. Because the light from mobile phone screens irritates our eyes, it makes our eyes tired. After receiving this signal, pregnant mothers must put down their mobile phones and look at green plants or look into the distance.

In fact, this is also a warning signal given by our eyes. Sore eyes and watery eyes indicate overuse of the eyes. Because the light from mobile phone screens irritates our eyes, it makes our eyes tired. After receiving this signal, pregnant mothers must put down their mobile phones and look at green plants or look into the distance.

3. Blurred vision

Some pregnant mothers have been resting at home since they became pregnant. When they are bored, their mobile phones have naturally become their only playmates. Moreover, many pregnant mothers lie in bed and play with their mobile phones for several hours.

Wrong posture and excessive use of mobile phones can worsen a pregnant mother's vision. If a pregnant mother feels that her vision is blurred, this is also a warning signal from her body. If you do not adjust your posture or how often you play with your mobile phone, a pregnant mother will easily become more myopic or have more astigmatism, etc.

4. Low sleep quality and physical fatigue

Playing with mobile phones is easy to become "addictive". Some pregnant mothers are prone to insomnia during pregnancy, and if they play with their mobile phones when they have insomnia, it will be even more difficult to fall asleep.

Therefore, when a pregnant mother feels that her sleep quality is poor and her body is tired, she should reduce the frequency of playing with her mobile phone and make it a good habit not to use her mobile phone at night. You know, sleep will affect the healthy development of the fetus.

Message from Pistachio Mom:

Playing with mobile phones actually has no direct impact on pregnant mothers and fetuses. However, if you play with mobile phones excessively and the body gives the above "warning signals" and the pregnant mother still does not change her habits, then it seems that it will have no benefit or even disadvantages to the development of the fetus. In other words, there may not be a direct impact, but the indirect impact can be great.

When you were pregnant, did you play with your mobile phone a lot?

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