Are oranges a cause of high blood fat? Doctor: To nourish blood vessels, remember “four things to eat and five things not to eat”

CEditor Posted by 2024-03-14 08:57:44


Some time ago, there was a saying that oranges are high in blood fat and are constantly circulating on the Internet. Everyone knows that winter is a good season for eating oranges. Oranges at this time are not only sweet and delicious, but also juicy and very easy to quench thirst . They contain vitamins. It is relatively rich and can prevent the occurrence of internal heat.

So can patients with hyperlipidemia usually eat oranges? The main reason for the doubt is that the sugar content in oranges is relatively high, which causes heat generation and fat accumulation after entering the body. At this time, blood lipid levels may become unstable.


However, there is no scientific basis for saying that oranges are a cause of high blood lipids . Moreover, the dietary fiber contained in oranges can reduce cholesterol by accelerating metabolism and excretion of the body , and is also helpful for stabilizing blood lipids. Benefits, but it is not recommended to eat too much at one time.

This fruit is a cooling fruit in winter and may burden the gastrointestinal tract . Disease problems such as abdominal pain still need to be avoided.


Are oranges a cause of high blood fat? Doctor: To nourish blood vessels, remember “four things to eat and five things not to eat”

【Four Eats】

1. Kelp

Kelp is a kind of vegetarian food. It contains relatively high iodine , and it also contains dietary fiber and colloid , which has good detoxification and blood purification effects.

2. Oats

Making a cup of oatmeal in the morning will make you feel full, and the vitamins and dietary fiber contained in it can help clear blood vessels, inhibit the body's absorption of cholesterol, and also regulate blood lipids.


3. black beans

Black beans are a common cereal in daily life. They contain relatively high nutrients and are very helpful in clearing blood vessels. They contain a large amount of anthocyanins, which can lower cholesterol and promote circulation of blood.

You can fry the black beans first, then let them cool and soak them in vinegar . Finally, when the black beans are soaked until they swell, you can use them to make soy milk or soup.

4. Hawthorn

Winter is also the season when hawthorn is abundant. Eating raw hawthorn can help digestion, expand blood vessels, and promote blood circulation, mainly because it contains a variety of organic acids, vitamin C , and flavonoids . However, it is not recommended to eat it. Sugar-coated haws.


【Five Don’t Eat】

1. Sheep kidney

The cholesterol content in sheep kidney is very high and is not suitable for patients with hyperlipidemia. Sheep kidney also contains a blood coagulation substance that can aggravate the patient's condition and lead to the formation of thrombosis.

2. Shrimp

Shrimp is a part of seafood, which contains relatively high cholesterol , which is not suitable for patients with hyperlipidemia and will hinder the normal transportation of blood vessels.


3. Pig’s trotters

I believe everyone knows that the nutritional content of pig's trotters is relatively high, especially the collagen contained in it, which has the effect of beautifying the skin. However, patients with hyperlipidemia are not suitable to eat pig's trotters. The main reason is that the cholesterol content is high. Eating 200 grams of pig at a time The cholesterol intake of the hoof will exceed the daily healthy cholesterol intake.

4. Pork kidney

Pork kidneys are the internal organs of pigs. Long-term consumption of these foods can lead to coronary atherosclerosis and increase the incidence of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and other diseases . It is best to choose taboo foods.

5. Strong tea

The caffeine in strong tea entering the human body will cause brain excitement, restlessness, insomnia, palpitations and other discomforts, thereby increasing blood pressure. Therefore, patients with hyperlipidemia should avoid drinking strong tea.


Conclusion: In addition to paying more attention to diet, patients with hyperlipidemia should also keep exercising , which can keep blood vessels unblocked.

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