8 dietary remedies that can improve eyesight

CEditor Posted by 2024-03-15 11:04:36
Modern medical research shows that vitamins are closely related to the occurrence of eye diseases. People who use their eyes too much need more vitamins and minerals needed by their eyes. Properly supplementing the nutrients needed by the eyes is very important for protecting the eyes. Therefore, ophthalmologists recommend that people with eye fatigue should pay attention to the balance of diet and nutrition, and usually eat more whole grains, miscellaneous grains, red and green vegetables, potatoes, beans, fruits and other foods containing vitamins, protein and fiber. These delicious foods introduced below can easily transform your vision.

8 dietary remedies that can improve eyesight

       1. Walnut, jujube and wolfberry egg custard

       300g walnut kernels (lightly fried and peeled), 250g red dates (pitted), 150g wolfberry, chopped together with 200g fresh pork liver, put in a porcelain basin with a little water, simmer in water for half an hour and set aside. Take 2 to 3 tablespoons every day, beat in two eggs, add appropriate amount of sugar and steam it into a soup. It is beneficial to the kidneys and liver, nourishes the blood and improves eyesight. It can improve symptoms such as myopia, vision loss, dizziness and forgetfulness, soreness and weakness of the waist and knees.

       2. Peanut, melon seeds and jujube bean cake

       100 grams of peanuts, 50 grams of pumpkin seeds, 60 grams of red date meat, 30 grams of soybean flour, and 250 grams of japonica rice flour. Mash them with the jujube meat into a puree, then add some flour, add an appropriate amount of oil and water, mix well to make a cake, and steam Cooked and eaten in one day. It can nourish the spleen and qi, nourish blood and improve eyesight, and improve symptoms such as myopia, blurred vision, palpitations, shortness of breath, physical weakness and constipation.

       3. Bean kernel and japonica rice eight-treasure porridge

       30 grams each of red beans, lentils, peanut kernels, coix kernels, walnut meat, longan, lotus seeds, and red dates, and 500 grams of japonica rice. Add water to cook porridge, mix with sugar, and eat warm. It can strengthen the spleen and replenish qi, replenish qi and improve eyesight. It is suitable for people with myopia, short-sightedness, poor sleep, poor appetite, and indigestion.

       4. Ginseng and Polygala Drink

       Take 10 grams of ginseng and 30 grams of polygala root, mix them into powder, 8 grams per bag, 1 bag at a time, brew with boiling water instead of tea, and take it for 7 to 10 days. It can nourish qi, nourish the heart, improve intelligence and improve eyesight.

       5. Shredded wolfberry pork

       100 grams of wolfberry, 300 grams of lean pork, 10 grams of green bamboo shoots (or magnolia slices), 100 grams of lard, and appropriate amounts of various condiments. Wash the lean pork and cut into thin strips of about 6 cm. Make the green bamboo shoots in the same way and wash the wolfberry. When the oil is 70% hot, add shredded pork and bamboo shoots and stir-fry, add cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, MSG, add wolfberry, stir-fry a few times, and pour in sesame oil. Wolfberry can nourish the liver and kidneys, moisten the lungs and improve eyesight. Pork is rich in protein. Eating the two together can make qi and blood strong and nourish the tissues in the eyes.

       6. Pork liver soup

       100 grams of pork liver, two eggs, tempeh, green onions, salt and MSG. Wash the pork liver, cut it into slices, put it in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, cook over low heat until the liver is cooked, add black beans and scallions, then beat in the eggs, and add salt, MSG and other seasonings. Eggs and pork liver are both protein-rich foods. Pork liver contains more vitamin A, which can nourish the eyeballs. Eating them together can nourish the liver and improve eyesight, and is suitable for dietary therapy for juvenile myopia (also used for hyperopia). Pork liver can be replaced by sheep liver, beef liver, and chicken liver.

       7. Sesame walnut milk honey drink

       Saute the black sesame seeds until fragrant and grind into powder, lightly fry the walnut meat and mash it, then divide and store in bottles. Take one spoonful each time, add a cup of milk (or soy milk), add a spoonful of honey and mix. It can nourish the liver and kidneys, improve eyesight and moisturize dryness, and can be used to treat myopia, dry eyes, and dry stools.

       8. Oyster mushroom seaweed soup

       250 grams of fresh oyster meat, 200 grams of mushrooms, 30 grams of seaweed, appropriate amounts of ginger, sesame oil, salt, and MSG. First boil the mushrooms and ginger for a quarter of an hour, then add the oysters and seaweed, cook briefly, mix with the above condiments, and eat with the soup. It can nourish the kidneys and liver, nourish blood and improve eyesight. It is suitable for those with myopia, blurred vision, or those who are physically weak or dizzy due to long-term illness.

Health Diet Therapy