Can childhood asthma be cured? How high is the risk of asthma in babies whose parents have allergic rhinitis?

CEditor Posted by 2024-03-12 08:54:39

The child coughed for a while, and the hospital doctor diagnosed him with asthma. In recent years, childhood asthma seems to be becoming more and more common. So, does a cold and cough mean pneumonia or asthma? Today, the editor will take moms and dads to talk about childhood asthma, which is a problem that we are all struggling with.

Is Asthma Inborn?

Asthma is not innate, but asthma is closely related to genetics . If a direct relative within the third generation has asthma or a parent has an obvious history of allergic rhinitis , the child's chance of getting the disease will increase accordingly.
But having this risk factor does not necessarily lead to disease, just like seeds do not necessarily germinate. It needs suitable soil and environment. The soil is whether the child has allergies, and the environment is whether there are too many allergens around the child.

Allergies are the result of genetics and are beyond our control, but we can improve the general and local environment and reduce the incidence of asthma.
.At what age does a baby have the first symptoms of asthma?

The first symptoms of asthma generally appear before the age of three , with most occurring before the age of one . Many children will develop capillaritis or wheezing pneumonia between 6 and 9 months old , which is likely to be the first symptom of asthma.

The characteristic of bronchial asthma is recurrence . If a child has bronchitis more than 2 times or pneumonia without fever more than 2 times before the age of 3 years old, it is necessary to consider whether the child has bronchial asthma.

Can childhood asthma be cured?

Diseases related to genetics cannot be said to be cured, only relieved. Just like a seed, it has the ability to germinate. As long as the conditions are right, no matter how long it takes, it will still germinate and grow tenaciously.

Of course, this does not mean that we can let asthma attacks occur, because repeated asthma attacks will have serious impacts on children’s growth, development, behavior, etc., bring a lot of trouble to parents’ lives and work, and will also affect social resources. Cause unnecessary waste. We need active treatment and control to achieve the goal of remission as early as possible.

Will asthma get better as children get older?

Asthma is a self-healing disease . If no complications occur, many children with asthma will be relieved during school age . According to statistics, the probability of natural remission for children who do not receive systemic treatment is 45%, and the remission rate for children who receive systemic treatment is 95%. Based on this data, it is still necessary to actively prevent and treat asthma.

Will a baby's cold cause asthma?

The biggest factor affecting asthma attacks is the nose . In the past, we didn’t pay enough attention to the nose. In recent years, it is generally believed internationally that allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma are the same disease and require equal attention and treatment. Only by controlling allergic rhinitis well can asthma be relieved in the long term.

What ordinary people think of as a cold is actually divided into two types. One is allergic rhinitis , which is characterized by sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose, and itchy nose. The other is that on top of this there is sore throat, cough or even fever. This is typical acute nasopharyngitis, which is an acute infection of the nose and throat.

Allergic rhinitis and acute nasopharyngitis interact with each other. The former is the foundation, and repeated attacks of the latter can aggravate the condition of the former. Therefore, for asthma induced by colds, we must actively treat allergic rhinitis.

What medicines are used in children with asthma?

Drugs for the treatment of asthma are divided into two categories. One is temporary symptomatic treatment, which is to treat frequent coughing and wheezing. The main drugs are β2 receptor stimulants and theophylline drugs. The former is fast, efficient and widely used.

However, if used alone for a long time, it will cause receptor resistance . The death of singer Teresa Teng was due to the long-term use of long-acting bronchodilators alone. The latter has reliable efficacy and is effective in treating various wheezing attacks. Since the therapeutic dose and the toxic dose are very similar, long-term use requires the detection of drug concentration, and it is already a second-line clinical drug.

Another type of drugs is anti-inflammatory drugs . The pathogenesis of asthma is mainly chronic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, which requires long-term use. Including local inhaled hormones and leukotriene drugs, these drugs are characterized by their high prices and require frequent follow-up and guidance from medical staff during use.

Why are there so many people with asthma now?

Asthma is a disease closely related to social development . The richer the industrial products, the higher the greening rate, and the more pets, the higher the incidence rate. That is to say, the higher the concentration of allergens, the higher the incidence of allergic diseases .

Allergens are mainly concentrated in industrial pollution, pollen concentration and pet fur and secretions. The incidence rate in Europe and the United States is much higher than that in my country, which fully illustrates this point. In our country, the incidence rate in cities is higher than in rural areas, and in developed areas it is higher than underdeveloped areas.

How to control the frequency of asthma attacks?

The following factors influence the frequency of asthma attacks:
First, whether asthma has received long-term effective treatment. The more formal the treatment, the less likely it is to have an attack;

The second is whether asthma-related diseases are effectively controlled, especially chronic sinusitis, adenoid hypertrophy and allergic rhinitis;

Third, we must keep a good record of asthma diary to understand the triggering factors of the child's onset and whether the triggering factors are effectively prevented after they appear. By doing these things, asthma will not affect your children.
Is asthma better cured by Chinese medicine or Western medicine?

Many people ask whether traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine is better for the treatment of asthma. In fact, both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The former mainly focuses on the whole-body conditioning of children . Western medicine cannot replace the treatment of triggering factors such as poor spleen and stomach, easy sweating, and dry stools. The latter is fast and effective , has reliable curative effect, is easy to form a unified plan and is easy to master.
What to do if you have an asthma attack?

Due to the incurable nature of asthma, asthma attacks may occur at any time.

When an asthma attack occurs, medication should be taken promptly and bronchodilators should be used. Especially for local atomization inhalation , the atomization is fast and effective with few side effects.

If there is no medicine, be sure to keep the child and parents calm. The more nervous the parent is, the more nervous the child will be, and the more severe the attack will be. You can tell the child stories, drink water, etc., try to distract the child's attention, but do not give the child food. Exciting foods such as too sweet or too salty.

Health Pediatrics