Is influenza A entering a highincidence period? If you have the following 5 major symptoms, you are basically infected. Prepare in advance.

CEditor Posted by 2024-03-18 10:55:01

Introduction: "Influenza A" has entered a high-incidence period. If the following 5 major symptoms appear, it is basically infected. Everyone should be prepared in advance.

Hello everyone, I am Shajie Cuisine. Recently, with the arrival of a strong rainfall and cold air, I was wearing short-sleeves yesterday, and today I am wrapped in cotton clothes. The weather here in Shandong is really confusing. This hot and cold weather is the most likely to cause people to catch colds. If it causes a common cold, it is acceptable, but it will be troublesome to be infected with "Influenza A".

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The recent fierce epidemic of influenza has entered its peak period. Do you still remember the experience of being infected with the new coronavirus for the first time? The symptoms of influenza A are particularly similar to those of COVID-19. According to the editor's own experience, if the following 5 major symptoms appear, it is basically infected. Everyone must be prepared in advance. Once infected with influenza A, you must go to a regular hospital in time.

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1. Feeling weak and sore all over. The editor was unfortunately "caught" by influenza A a few days ago. There were no symptoms at all at first. Half an hour after dinner, he was still doing aerobics with Douyin anchors. But the only difference from the past is that before jumping for about 10 minutes, I always feel out of breath, sore and tired all over.

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2. Acute onset and rapid fever. After dancing for an hour and a half, I could be described as "bending to hold on to the wall" and returned to the bedroom to rest. However, within 5 to 6 minutes, I started to feel cold all over my body, and even Along with a dry mouth and tongue, when I woke up and took my temperature, I actually had a fever, and the fever reached about 39°C in less than a while. (Already confused)

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3. High fever that persists. Taking antipyretics and applying antipyretic patches are basically of no use and can only provide slight relief. The body aches caused by the fever still continue to be high. 4. Stomach pain and diarrhea. After getting up the next morning, the fever did not subside, and symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea also appeared.

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5. The speed of transmission is fast. At noon the next day, my daughter and husband also developed "sudden high fever" and body aches and other symptoms. Only then did the editor realize that this was not an ordinary cold. They must have been infected with the influenza A virus, so Our whole family immediately put on masks and went to the hospital for diagnosis.

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The above five symptoms are the editor's personal experience. Fortunately, the editor's family's "physical fitness" is pretty good on weekdays, and they recovered in less than a week. At this point, the editor would like to remind everyone that regular exercise is really beneficial to improving the body's metabolic capacity. You should also eat a reasonable and balanced diet on weekdays to improve the body's immunity. Below, the editor will share with you two types of protein-rich foods. You can definitely eat them to enhance your immunity!

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【Steamed Beef】

1. First use an egg separator to separate the egg whites and put them into a bowl, then cut out the ginger shreds. Place the washed beef tenderloin on the chopping board, cut out evenly thin slices of beef and put them in a basin. Pour the beaten egg whites, sliced ​​ginger into the basin, pour in an appropriate amount of cornstarch, light soy sauce and oyster sauce, then sprinkle more black pepper, add an appropriate amount of peanut oil, put on gloves, mix the ingredients evenly and marinate for 10 minute.

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2. Place the blanched enoki mushrooms on the plate, put the marinated beef tenderloin on top, put it in the steamer, bring the water to a boil over high heat, and steam for 5 minutes before serving.

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2. [Pork Intestine Lotus Seed Soup]

Soak the lotus seeds in advance, remove the seeds and clean them. Clean the purchased pig intestines, blanch them and put them on the chopping board and cut them into 5cm pieces. Stuff the processed lotus seeds into the pig intestines, then put them into a casserole. Add jujube, gorgon seeds and wolfberry in turn, and then add a few slices of ginger. After the water boils over high heat, turn down to low heat and simmer for an hour. After simmering, add an appropriate amount. Just add some salt to adjust the taste.

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The best weapon against viruses is to strengthen your immunity. Don't be reluctant to spend money on weekdays. The money you earn is spent. Eat more high-protein foods to enhance your immunity. Having a good body is more important than anything else. That’s it for today’s sharing. I hope you can gain something from my sharing. Thank you for watching and supporting me. 

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