Practical health benefits for longdistance travel

CEditor Posted by 2024-05-28 08:32:56

     This health-care exercise is suitable for those with swollen feet after long-distance travel, and is also suitable for the elderly traveling far away.

     This skill is simple and easy to learn. Holding and relaxing your hands and feet, repeated many times, can promote the flow of Qi and blood throughout the body. In particular, it relaxes the muscles of the legs and feet, clears the meridians, and avoids muscle spasm, numbness, swelling and pain in the legs and feet caused by long-distance driving.

     You can sit or stand in the car. Place your hands and feet wherever you feel comfortable, but the heels of your feet must be able to touch the ground. Use the nose-to-nose-to-nose-to-exhale method. When inhaling, clench your hands tightly, push your feet to the ground and hold your toes tightly; then hold your breath for a moment and exhale immediately, and then suddenly relax your hands and feet, silently saying "the looser, the better." At the same time, the mind drains the discomfort throughout the body from the soles of the feet (Yongquan point) into the depths of the ground.

     Practice 20 to 30 times each time, taking about 10 seconds each time. This can be practiced repeatedly for many times. If you feel any discomfort, practice until the relaxation and discomfort disappear. It can prevent numbness and pain in the feet and reduce swelling quickly. Practicing this exercise regularly can prevent and treat leg cramps and has health and physical strengthening effects. Practicing it in winter can warm up the body and prevent frostbite. Practicing it before going to bed can relax the whole body and speed up falling asleep. Note that when you push your feet, you must push your heels hard on the ground. Too light will not be effective. After holding your breath, you must suddenly relax your hands and feet when you exhale, so that you can relax your muscles and circulate Qi and blood. In addition, you do not need to be quiet. As long as you concentrate, you can open or close your eyes. You can practice.

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