The difference between allergic asthma and variant asthma

CEditor Posted by 2024-03-12 09:15:56

There are several types of asthma, and the treatments for different diseases are different, so patients must have a comprehensive understanding of this knowledge. Clinically, because the attack mechanisms of asthma are different, asthma can also be divided into many types, such as allergic asthma and variant asthma. What are the differences between these two diseases? Next, let’s ask experts to introduce common knowledge about asthma.

1. Differences in symptoms:

1. Symptoms of allergic asthma: Before the attack of allergic asthma, there are aura symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, cough, chest tightness, etc. If not treated in time, asthma may occur due to aggravation of bronchial obstruction. Severe cases may be forced to sit or pose. Sitting upright and breathing, dry cough or coughing up a lot of white foamy sputum, and even cyanosis. However, it can generally be relieved by self-treatment or treatment with antiasthmatic drugs. Some patients may have another attack several hours after remission, even leading to status asthmaticus. There are also clinically atypical manifestations of asthma. For example, patients with cough variant asthma have coughed for more than 2 months without obvious triggers, often exacerbating it at night and in the early morning, aggravated by exercise, cold air, etc., and there is high reactivity in the airway reactivity measurement, antibiotics or antitussives, and expectorants. If treatment is ineffective, bronchial antispasmodics or corticosteroids are effective, but other diseases that cause cough need to be ruled out.

The difference between allergic asthma and variant asthma

2. Symptoms of variant asthma: The main manifestation is a stinging dry cough, usually severe cough [1], and night cough is an important feature. Colds, cold air, dust, oil fumes, etc. can easily induce or aggravate coughs. Cough is mostly persistent dry cough, especially when going to bed at night or in the early morning. The attacks are frequent and severe, and many patients are accompanied by itchy throat. It is often induced and aggravated by colds, exercise, and inhalation of cold air. It can also be caused by exposure to pollen, dust, and certain foods. Cough may be the main clinical manifestation of variant asthma. It is mainly a long-term stubborn dry cough. It often occurs after inhaling irritating smells (paint, gasoline, perfume, pollen, etc.), cold air, contact with allergens, and strenuous exercise. and respiratory tract infections may cause asthma attacks, and some patients may develop asthma attacks without any inducement. Variant asthma often occurs at night and early in the morning, and is most common in spring and autumn. Most patients have been treated with cough-reducing and phlegm-reducing drugs and antibiotics for a period of time before treatment, with almost no effect. However, treatment with glucocorticoids, bronchodilators, and β2-receptor agonists can alleviate symptoms. At the same time, patients with variant asthma Chest tightness and difficulty breathing may also occur.

2. Differences in causes

1. Causes of allergic asthma: Allergic asthma is a chronic airway inflammation involving a variety of cells, especially mast cells, eosinophils and T lymphocytes. In susceptible individuals, this inflammation can cause recurring wheezing, Symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest tightness and/or coughing mostly occur at night and/or in the early morning, and the airway is more reactive to a variety of irritating factors. However, symptoms may resolve on their own or with treatment. In the past decade or so, the prevalence and mortality of asthma have increased in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. There are approximately 100 million asthma patients worldwide, and it has become a major chronic disease that seriously threatens public health. The prevalence of asthma in China is about 1%, and can reach 3% in children. It is estimated that there are more than 10 million asthma patients in the country.

2. Causes of variant asthma: Professionals say that cough variant asthma often recurs in spring and autumn. The main causes include the following aspects: (1) Endocrine disorders, less activity, and low health values, which are the biggest problems of modern people. The extravagant wish is to eat well and sleep well. Low-quality food seriously affects people's bodies and endocrine. At the same time, malnutrition and overnutrition coexist. (2) The process of industrialization is accelerating, and cough variant asthma is more likely to occur in areas with a relatively rapid industrialization process. The reason is closely related to air quality. (3) Mental and psychological pressure. Urban white-collar workers are "fighting" all the time, and mortgages, car loans, marriages, etc. all become worries.

The above is an introduction to common sense about asthma. No matter which type of asthma you suffer from, the environment where the patient lives needs to be clean, and it is best not to plant flowers indoors to avoid causing pollen allergies. I hope the above content can help everyone, and finally I wish everyone good health.
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